I grew up in Maine and currently serve as Chief of Police in Southwest Harbor. My wife and I have 3 wonderful children and 6 grandchildren. Our daughter Abby, who lives with us, was born with a very rare medical condition and was not expected to live. She was treated by top physicians in the world and we received the "red carpet" treatment wherever she went. On the flip side of this amazing treatment my wife spent years fighting the political/medical system due to Chronic Lyme Disease. We turned to alternative forms of healing and she achieved health through holistic treatment. Since we have experienced both the best and the worst of medical treatment we are now fully convinced that medicine plays only a small part in the process of healing.
My first hand experiences have given me a personal perspective on how children are affected by all aspects of their socio-economic environment and how the medical community plays a role. There is no one best solution, as each child is part of a much larger picture. Being able to use my life-lessons as part of a larger group helping to open doors and creating access to whole treatment is an altruistic objective that I couldn't even have imagined just a few years ago.