Children, Families, Communities
- What We Do
- Our Classes and Events
We offer workshops and classes on many themes, and can customize our trainings for your family or organization.
All of trainings explore personal and professional growth on multiple levels, and include how to insert conscious choice into habitual patterns.
Each year on the second weekend in December we offer a two-day workshop on the theme of Grace. We began this tradition in 2002 and it is now part of a week-long event. The workshop is preceded by shorter classes and Presence in Healing sessions, providing the opportunity for people to create their own intensive experience if they so desire.
In 2017 we held our first Summer Grace retreat and this has also become an annual event.
Upcoming and Ongoing Events
The Path to Wholeness
October 18-20, 2024
A virtual Grace event
It’s a common theme in many mystical traditions and in new age thought to refer to All as One or the Unity of All. We aspire to wholeness within ourselves as a way to sense and experience this oneness or coherence.
While many of us yearn for wholeness it often seems more challenging to embody in everyday life. It’s one thing to say that all beings are essentially equal and quite another to live with open mindedness and free of judgment. During Grace week, we will explore various dimensions of this puzzle and ways to lift out of our own judgment (of ourselves and others) to embrace all of life as meaningful in its own way.
“Bringing Your Parts Home” taught by Sally Churgel
Friday, October 18 at noon - 3 pm PT / 3-6 pm ET * note longer class time
This workshop will use creativity and imagery to help you make a conscious leap from perceived lack of unity or brokenness to reweaving experiences to inspire new behaviors and choices. You will make two collage cards; one to express what is currently unraveling in your life or where you experience some disconnection. The second collage will support you to create a fresh image with the dissociated or unraveled parts included to form a new configuration. This method of self-discovery, if done consciously, nourishes your soul in a surprising and elegant manner. A list of supplies will be sent upon sign-up.
“Beyond Right and Wrong” taught by Marilyn Graham
Saturday, October 19 at 10 - 11:30 am PT / 1 - 2:30 pm ET
When contemplating Unity as a concept, we are consistently confronted with “the Problem of Evil.” We feel justified, or even passionate about classifying nearly everything and everyone we see as the good, the bad or the ugly. We will tackle this conundrum first as an intellectual knot to untangle, then as a physical experience, and finally, as an opportunity to make a fundamental shift in identity.
“Transforming with a Giggle” taught by Jean Kahn
Saturday afternoon, October 19 at 1:00 - 2:30 pm PT / 4:00 - 5:30 pm ET
When life happens, how do you respond? For one thing, it helps to have a sense of humor. Or perhaps humor is the result when enough self-awareness has been harvested to arrive at a place of neutrality and understanding. In this class, inner awareness serves as a doorway to freedom from physical, emotional or energetic triggers. And you might even have some fun along the way.
“Reconciling the Upper and Lower Realms” led by Christina Heiniger
Sunday afternoon, October 20 at 1:00 - 2:30 pm PT / 4:00 - 5:30 pm ET
With input from guides The Lotus Crew, this gathering will offer the chance to create a wider framework in which to hold individual challenges and the opportunity to make a communal leap toward visioning the path forward. Each participant will receive an individual piece of guidance from Archangel Uriel and The Lotus Crew to take with them, and the group will collectively build a template for navigating the rest of the calendar year.
Fees: $35 per class or $31.50 if you are a member of CFC. Friday class is $45, or $40.50 for CFC members.
Registration will open soon.
Become a Member
Other classes and workshops that we have offered include:
- Awakening Grace: Living What Is
- Grace, Simplicity and Light
- Navigating This New Earth
- In the Presence of Grace
- Introduction to Presence in Healing
- A Conversation Within
- Nervous System 2.0: Recalibrating Your Movements
- Stress and Your Immune System
- ADD and State Regulation
- Presence: Bringing Mindfulness to Massage (CEUs offered)
Staying True to Ourselves
How do we walk our path during this time of constant change? Even when we have a clear sense of who we are the world keeps changing, creating doubt as to our next steps.
Our beliefs, actions and habits help define who we are as we learn how to be present with ourselves. Each time we interact with the world we integrate new information and have the opportunity to update our perspective.
Choosing Life Path
What am I supposed to do? What should I do next? What are my gifts? How can I best use them?" The need for recognizing life purpose is one of the deepest drivers of well-being. And yet understanding and refining our actions to fulfill this purpose can feel elusive.
Choosing our every-day expression is guided by our emotions in an incredibly wide open, abundant and diverse environment that is our World. By learning how to use our body’s guidance system to steer our actions, we create our life purpose.
Fees for events and classes are listed with the event and scholarships are often available.