Photo by Linda Deming

Children, Families, Communities

CFC is growing a holistic program of recovery from substances and behaviors.

In answer to community needs we offer services, which support individuals, their family members, professionals and communities in their journey of self-discovery and recovery. The hallmark of our approach is to bring presence to recovery.

This program has the following components:

For many addicts, being in present time awareness is what they were trying to avoid in the first place. Most addicts start with the common experience of simply wanting to feel different and better. Their behavior or drug of choice is an attempt to reach that goal.

A primary goal of recovery, especially in the avoidance of relapse, is to assist individuals in becoming more aware of present time while neither being overwhelmed emotionally by the past or projecting negatively into the future. The techniques and perspective of Presence in Healing are especially useful in this.

When professionals are able themselves to be in present time awareness with occupancy, congruent energy and physicality, clear intention and emotional vulnerability --- somatic listening emerges. Professionals can teach beginning aspects of this and model this for their clients.

Individual sessions are available and classes for professionals are being developed.

Presence in Healing adds a somatic component to the healing process of recovery. Once physical stability has been achieved, Presence in Healing is a useful addition to the long-term recovery from substances and behaviors. This is offered as individual sessions where touch combined with conversation assists the client to become more somatically aware of emotions and their accompanying thoughts while learning to become comfortable in one’s own self.
Massage in general has been shown to help reduce stress levels and therapeutic massage offers non-pharmalogical alternatives to increase body awareness, and decrease pain. In a highly skilled environment, the client receives compassionate touch and support where this may not have been experienced previously or recently. We are developing CEU classes for massage therapists in this area and offer individual sessions as well.

We honor that the process of recovery is a journey – with challenges, blessings and joys. Through bodywork, conversation, classes and coaching we support individuals on their path of self-discovery promoting the use of all available resources in this process. We fully support that there are many paths and programs on the way to a full and complete life. We seek to integrate all resources in this process. 

“Whatever you do, don’t try and escape from your pain, but be with it. Because the attempt to escape from pain creates more pain.”– The Tibetan Book Of Living And Dying

Abuse and recovery alter family relationships, thoughts, and behavioral patterns. In supporting a loved one's recovery, family and community members also have the opportunity to grow and change. CFC provides coaching, conversation and body based sessions to assist caregivers to explore the importance of their role in recovery.

Researchers agree that clear, open and frequent communication is a basic characteristic of a strong, healthy family. Clear, open communication is a complex process, which includes self awareness to the best of everyone’s ability. Listening, expression and interactive skills can be improved with guidance and increased awareness, with benefits for all.

CFC provides talks, classes and workshops to educate community groups in ways to positively influence prevention and support of community members affected by behavioral and substance addictions as well as those hoping to create community in preventing these conditions.  Learning deep listening skills that include individual awareness and shared problem solving are common to our approach.

According to physician and author Gabor Mate', on one level, the solution to the problem of addiction on a societal level is both simple and fairly easy to implement. If a person is born into a life that they perceive is lacking in love and support on a family level, or if due to some other trauma they have become isolated and suffer from addiction, there must be a community response to make sure that person knows that they are valued by their society.  Portugal has demonstrated this with a 50% drop in addiction thanks to programs that are specifically designed to re-create connection between the addict and their community.

This new evidence isn't just a challenge to us politically. It doesn't just force us to change our minds. It forces us to change our hearts.

At CFC we promote compassionate connection for all community members.


Contact Info

Phone: 207.667.6783
Address: 4A State Street, PO Box 540, Ellsworth, Maine 04605